Pubg Auto Guns

Akm is by far one of the most commonly used guns in pubg mobile it uses 762 ammunition and has an effective range of 60 it has good damage, but its recoil makes it difficult to use it effectively. Pubg auto guns. All machine guns in pubg light machine and submachine weapons often do well in close range to mid range combat the m249 is the exception due to its long range capabilities making it one of the few god tier weapons in pubg [ top 3 best machine guns in playerunknowns battlegrounds are indicated by the # and ranked by the machine gun weapon stats] #.

pubg auto guns

Pubg best guns Pubg Professor- pubg mobile tips and update

Pubg best guns pubg professor- pubg mobile tips and update

The ability to auto-equip attachments in pubg makes its way from consoles to pc in new update by sherif saed, wednesday, 20 november 2019 12:03 gmt share on: facebook twitter reddit. Pubg news: a new weapon the mosin nagant, the vikendi (season 7) since bluehole doesn't release the official weapon values of guns, no website has 100% accurate statistics for weapons. each website relies on hundreds of spreadsheets and each website has different numbers. auto 9mm: 100 4 22.40 15.70 13.40 10.10 44.90 31.40 26.90 20.20. The best guns in pubg the m16a4 lacks fully automatic fire, but it’s still capable of delivering some real pain when placed in the hands of distinguished pubg players. you won’t be able to.

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