Pubg Anti Cheat Reddit

Tencent games and pubg corp revealed another step in their pubg mobile anti-cheating system as they are launching a safety observation period if you haven't been paying attention lately int he. Pubg anti cheat reddit. Anyway, the point is that pubg corp has to accept the industry standard that the client is in enemy hands and start to create server-based solutions for cheating this is even more laughable than your in-game suggestions name one industry player who leaves the client alone when it comes to anti-cheat one fucking industry player.

pubg anti cheat reddit

Anti-Cheat Update - 06.02.18 | PUBGG

Anti-cheat update - 060218 | pubgg

Yesterday i got banned for 3 days because according to pubg anti cheat automated system i had unusual game patterns the only thing unusual in my pattern was that i played 3 games of solo in oce server in the afternoon and i had 95% of bots in my games increasing my kda incredibly. Why r/pubg_lite doesn't put anti-cheat also on the server level?? i mean anti-cheat can be some how disabled on the client, but there are some kinds of cheats that would be easy to detect on the server, like player speed. help reddit app reddit coins reddit premium reddit gifts. about careers press advertise blog terms content policy. Preemptive anti-cheat actions mean making cheat programs unable to function before a cheater ever runs the program. this is mainly accomplished by targeting the development of cheat programs to make the effort outweigh the gains. we’re attacking this in a couple ways. two-factor authentication system.

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